Looking for Child Care?
We Can Help!
Whether you choose a formal child-care center, family day care, or in-home care, finding the right daycare provider is an important decision to make. There are some basic things you should know. We want to help you make the right decision! Contact one of our referral specialists today.
Smart Start
Since 1994, we have been Hertford County’s home to North Carolina’s award winning Smart Start initiative for children from birth to 5. To provide Smart Start services each local partnership develops a comprehensive plan that targets the greatest needs in their community among three core services: child care (quality, affordability, and availability); health; and family support.
Smart Start legislation mandates how much from each local partnership’s allocation should be spent on specific services.
Programs must meet Smart Start’s evidence-based and evidence-informed standards.
We only invest in best practices for our children.
NC Pre-K Program
The NC Pre-K Program provides at-risk, four-year-old children in NC with an opportunity for quality preschool education. This school day program is designed to provide young children with access to a structured curriculum and preschool experience
that will enhance their readiness for school. The NC Pre-K Program provides
high-quality education for eligible four-year-old children. The Hertford-Northampton Smart Start Partnership
for Children supports NC Pre-K classrooms in
Hertford County’s public school.
Reach Out & Read
Reach Out and Read Carolinas engages and educates parents about how to make language and bonding around a book part of their daily lives. Reach Out and Read trains providers to support and engage parents about the importance of reading aloud and to prescribe books to children at wellness check-ups beginning at birth to 5 years of age, with a special focus on children growing up in poverty.
Reach Out and Read is changing the way parents interact with their children daily around language and literacy.

Parents as Teachers (PAT)
Promotes the optimal early development, learning and health of young children by supporting and engaging their parents and caregivers. PAT’s delivery of high quality services for families through a comprehensive system of supports and innovative solutions.Parents as Teachers promotes optimal early development, learning and health of young children by supporting and engaging their parents and caregivers. We advance the delivery of high quality services for families through a comprehensive system of supports and innovative solutions.
Child Care Aware
Child Care Aware of America works with more than 400 state and local Child Care Resource and Referral agencies nationwide. To achieve our mission, our organization leads projects that increase the quality and availability of child care, undertakes research, and advocates child care policies that positively impact the lives of children and families. Every family in the United States has access to a high-quality, affordable child care system. The child care system supports children’s growth, development and educational advancement and creates a positive economic impact for families and communities.
Dedicated to improving the well-being of all young children, with particular focus on the quality of educational and development services for all children from birth through age eight.The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) is a professional membership organization that works to promote high-quality early learning for all young children, birth through age 8, by connecting early childhood practice, policy, and research. We advance a diverse, dynamic early childhood profession and support all who care for, educate, and work on
behalf of young children.
North Carolina boasts one of the highest rates of working mothers with young children in the nation, making the availability of quality child care essential for the State’s economic development and stability. The creation of the Division in 1993 reflected the growing importance of child care to North Carolina families and the role of the state in ensuring quality standards and access for families to child care services. The creation of a quality rating system for child care licenses promoted higher quality and more
informed choices
for families.

NC Healthy Start Foundation
The Foundation serves the public and works with organizations to help ensure that babies in NC live (and thrive) beyond their first birthdays. We design educational resources, training programs & toolkits as well as provide technical assistance so that providers from rural areas to urban populations have equal access to reliable and accurate educational resources and support to help improve the health of women, support new parents and create a safer environment for infants in their local communities.
CCR&R Council
Child Care Resource & Referral (CCR&R) refers to an interrelated set of services to families, child care providers, employers, and communities that:
- facilitate access to early care and education and school-age child care options for families;
- improve the quality of those child care options; and
- provide objective information for planning and policy development to the public and private sectors.

In the United States, 1 in 5 people have learning and thinking differences, like dyslexia and ADHD, and 1 in 4 adults have some type of disability. For many of these people, the world can feel like it’s built for a normal that doesn’t include them.
Helpful resources and supportive communities can be hard to find, making everyday life even more difficult. We’re here to change that by connecting the people who face these challenges to resources, expertise, and communities that bolster confidence.
Project Child Find
Child Fine is a legal requirement for schools to find children who have disabilities and need services. Identifying these kids is an important first step toward getting them the help they need to succeed in school. Child Find is part of a federal law called the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). This law protects the rights of students with disabilities. Child Find covers every child from birth through age 21. School must evaluate any child suspected of a disability.
Child First
Child First, an evidence-based, two-generation model that works with very vulnerable young children and families, providing intensive, home-based services. When young children grow up in environments where there is violence, neglect, mental illness, or substance abuse, the stress can be toxic to their developing brains. We connect families to needed community-based services to decrease the stress, and build strong, loving, parent-child relationships that protect and heal the brain from trauma and stress.